
Showing posts from September, 2017

Digital Asset Future why is 1 BTC worth over $6000 AUD?

Digital Asset Future why is 1 BTC worth over $6000 AUD? Bitcoin? Ethereum? DASH? Litecoin? Ripple?(devil coin-bullshit-bankcoin), Bitcoin Cash? Monero? etc. are all part of the new ecosystem of digital value transfer, with currencies, stores of value, smart contracts, value tokens and more.. There has been a boom in digital assets and more are coming everyday, how do you determine which will survive & which ones are scams or will die off? It's hard to tell, but there are some key considerations to look at when trying to determine where to invest your money. Where to start? Easy where it all began; With Bitcoin. Why? because it is the first, has the longest chain, has proved over time to be the most robust, has the most value tied into it, is a trading pair with all alt coins and has the first mover advantage with the largest network and network effects. There are other reasons also, having been around the longest the bitcoin blockchain and ecosystem has develope