BIP 148 SEGWIT IS HERE.. What does it mean if you have Bitcoins

BIP 148 SEGWIT IS HERE for Bitcoin.... what does this mean?

This good interview with Trace Mayer and Jeff Berwik explains BIP 148 pretty well I think.

The digital space is moving very quickly, stay on top of what is going on a USER ACTIVATED SOFT FORK (UASF) is being implemented on 1 August 2017 according to Trace. The developers are moving ahead with miners forced to jump on board or not?. Watch the video....

What will happen is anyone's guess with possibly more certainty as the date draws closer, will Bitcoin HARD FORK after that as suggested, who knows?

In short what to do if you own Bitcoin.

Make sure it is secure and on an immutable part of the blockchain. In a mobile core wallet or similar wallet, a secure online wallet, a hardware wallet TREZOR or offline cold wallet PRINTED PAPER copy.

MAKE SURE your coins are NOT in any pending transaction/ open orders with exchanges. That you have the keys to your accounts and that the coins are yours.

The next step is easy, just wait for the dust to settle after 1 August and see what happens..

Happy Bitcoin-ing :)


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