How fast will Bitcoin grow?

How fast will Bitcoin grow?

To speculate or not to speculate, that is the question...!

How do we determine where this is going?

Firstly, conventional markets fluctuate based on government policy, geopolitical climate, conflict, industry announcements, technology announcements and more.

Digital assets and currencies are more unique in that along with the above, there is a ground up approach to the market drivers. It can be said that trust, perceived utility of users and early adopters, historical trend and a massive amount of speculation, gut feeling and excitement are the key drivers. Remembering that most of the technology, apart from Bitcoin hasn't really stood the test of time.

So how do we determine where this is going? My analysis is a merging of all of the above with another two key personal factors.
1) The rate of flow into the sector along with market cap growth
2) A reflection of parallel and disruptive technologies and their impacts coupled with the potential ramifications of digital asset/ currency adoption and blockchain technology AND the risk of NOT getting on board at the early adopter phase, FOMO.

As far as a technology we are at what looks like the start of the 'J' curve with excitement and speculation of this becoming an 'S' curve with full acceptance.

Here we go with continual growth over the short term, there have been MASSIVE indicators that are driving this uptake and speed of growth.

How fast will Bitcoin grow? Well in the last 12hrs approx. there has been huge cash flow (USD) into & growth as follows for the top 9 digital assets; Bitcoin leading with over a Billion dollars in approx 12hrs!

1 Bitcoin $1,165,559,165.00 or 7.3% in the last 24hrs
2 Ethereum $793,438,440.00 or 11.91% in the last 24hrs
3 Ripple $586,314,320.00 or 31.42% in the last 24hrs
4 Litecoin $36,096,175.00 or 22.27% in the last 24hrs
5 Dash $24,944,599.00 or 5.57% in the last 24hrs
6 Ethereum Classic $39,539,582.00 or 8.16% in the last 24hrs
7 NEM $64,327,500.00 or 14.39% in the last 24hrs
8 Monero $15,378,668.00 or 8.94% in the last 24hrs
9 Golem $67,394,160.00 (data from 5May minus 29April, 10.39% growth in the last 24hrs from a 31.52% growth overnight 29April)

How fast is fast? four events like this will see Bitcoin top at over $2100 USD per unit price, how likely is this by the end of this year 2017? Based on an eight year trend and a start price of approx 20 cents and considering all the factors above I'd say the likely-hood of having 10 days of 7.3% growth in the next 7 mths or next 210 days is high. This equates to a price of approximately $3200 USD by Christmas/ New Years 2017. SInce writing this article an hour ago, we've seen another .39% growth in Bitcoin!

Indicators are that  not only are exponential organisations (the Ubers', Tesla's, SpaceX's, Google's, Facebook's, AirBnB's etc causing global disruption, Blockchain technology, assets and currency are going to provide financial disruption. Stay tuned for updates and analysis, if your financial adviser is not talking to you about this stuff, Digital Asset Arrays, Alt Coins, Digital Currency, Block-Chain, Smart Contracts, Algorithms, Automation, DAO's Decentralised Autonomous Organisations then your financial adviser is a dinosaur and is getting disrupted already, happy Bitcoin-ing :)


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