$$$$ 1 Million Dollars per Bitcoin? The Brave New World & the Digital Currency/ Asset Revolution

$$$$ 1 Million Dollars per Bitcoin? The Brave New World & the Digital Currency/ Asset Revolution


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So what is going on with all these blockchain tokens, Initial Coin Offering's (ICO's) and the expansion in the realm of BLOCKCHAIN and the AAM (Alt Asset Markets). Is the Matrix coming to life?

Quite possibly YES. The growth of the sector has been astounding, I have been following it for a short while now and in the last two months the total market capitalization has doubled to $$$89 Billion dollars..

What is happening? Well here is a list of things in no particular order; global currency instability, maturing of blockchain technology, FOMO, branding and re-cognition, digital currency market maturation and excitement, future potential, speculators, market makers and investors. Lets dive into each of these.

Global Currency Instability; It is fact that fiat currency globally is unstable and pegged to the national interest of the big players in the world. With the realisation that money is backed by faith and floated on  a global exchange that is manipulated by a whole host of mechanisms including, individual counties' national interest, key stake holders that want to maintain business as usual (the banking and finance sectors and multinationals) and super high net individuals. The ability of countries to have special drawing rights and print money as underpinned by the Bank of International Settlements in a debt leveraged system is quite abstract and manipulative, to the extent that there is no real control, only perceived control financial control. Governments and finance ministers purport to have the answers by bringing in policy (like manipulation of interest rates and other fiscal mechanisms like tax breaks and growth measures, like stimulus packages) however policy is often disconnected from the free market as it is a artificial control that is deployed in lag (as a result of KPI's of the economy). The general populous has lost significant faith in their politicians and the market as is. The problem is how do we get out of this hole without massive disruption to the way things are? The answer is.. there is no easy way. However there are emerging technologies that are showing that there can be a low friction transition to the next level of growth and global prosperity and market exchange. We can see that the current system (the major players be it institutional or individual) are aware of the fact that a free floating market economy and currency backed by 'faith' is not enough. And, that the instability of the individual players is leading to complexity in market economics that even the experts in this realm have no idea how to solve some of the problems. For example, how does America pay off it's 21 Trillion dollar debt?
There has been the formation of a new currency called the SDR or Special Drawing Rights, it is based on the following currencies as a basket currency that encompasses all of these into a new more stable value proposition. An SDR is based on;  the US Dollar, the Euro, Chinese RMB, Japanese YEN, and the British Pound Sterling.

Blockchain technology, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and all the rest about 800 of them and growing, digital assets, currencies, tokens and platforms are the brave new world. This space is showing huge potential to grow parallel to the current fiat system and actually grow so fast as to start disrupting the fiat system and the conventional markets totally. I will go so far as to say that the current system with all it's central controls will actually become redundant and a secondary way of life to the digital market place. The promise of blockchain technology and some of the currencies/ assets developing in this space is that they are mathematically secure (more so than the current debt leverage fiat system).
These blockchain assets especially Bitcoin are robust in the sense that their premise is based on a chain of proof that is immutable and reached by consensus. It is also open source and based on a transparent public ledger.. Other blockchain assets, currencies and tokens are based on different mathematical premises, I won't go into these here. Suffice to say that Bitcoin and similar are revolutionising the value space as it is not pegged to anything but the users view/ meaning of value, it is essentially a devolution of value to the end user and a redefinition of value from the ground up, currently pegged mostly to the US dollar in the transition phase, possibly the SDR in the future and then when the digital value ecosystem is sufficiently mature and stable it will be independent of external value control. That is the global currency will be a spectrum of digital currencies that provide their own unique advantages for commerce and fiat currency will lose it's utility.

FOMO, Fear Of Mission Out, is currently one of the factors that affect the digital asset space (DAS), new comers in the market are manipulated or disoriented with the overflow of information and mis-information and subsequently buy and sell purely speculatively. This leads to good and bad experiences with the "making or loss of money" What the market analytics show however is that regardless of profit or loss the interest in the market is growing with the flow of conventional capital flowing in constantly and in ever increasing supply. In fact the curve is not linear but somewhat exponential. FOMO is proving to be a real driver to adoption. As people delve more into this space the growth that they see is mind blowing, originally a realm of nerds, it is now starting to influence the mainstream.

Brand Cognition and Re-Cognition, Digital assets have been developing since Bitcoin was 'released' to the world, in the last 7 years the name Bitcoin has slowly become cognised and has developed into a brand independently. Now many people recognise Bitcoin even if they don't know what it is. There are many other Digital Assets (DA's) that are now in the cognising phase, for example; Ethereum, Dash, Monero, Litecoin, Golem, Zcash, Steem, Monero, Siacoin to name a few etc. The fact that most people haven't heard of any of these let alone the others that are less well known is a KEY INDICATOR that we are in the innovators phase of the technology uptake curve. This is really exciting for early investors, speculators and believers in the market and projects that are being developed. Once we see people recognizing the top ten DA's will be the next key indicator that the market has reached mainstream.

Digital currency market maturation, This is a few years away and will involve a cull of many scam propositions, the coming into the mainstream of alt payment gateways and the implementation of blockchain platforms into the mainstream economy, as technology add-ons, financial instruments, platforms and apps that consumers will be able to adopt, leverage and use.

Excitement & future potential, Those that are following this space are almost obsessed because of the huge amount of growth that is going on at the moment, platforms like Ethereum (known for its 'smart contracts') or executable scripts is gaining popularity as use propositions are being adopted and explored daily. Bitcoin developers have started to develop smart contracts as a side chain that leverage of the main chain, Golem with it's worldwide supercomputer project and DASH with it's Instant-Secure-Private tag line are forging the way with real community support and end-state use models. There are way too many to name here and explore but I will in future blogs. The excitement that is also part of this space is that because of the volatility of this space and the huge fluctuations in price for these tokens on a day to day basis, many market day traders have joined the space. This is great to see. As it indicates that there is huge potential for arbitrage and investment. To be sure there will be many, many millionaires made in this space and there will also be many that lose all. This volatility adds to the excitement. As a new comer into this, pay close attention to real utility that a token provides in the real world or digital world as a way of determining value.

Market makers, I call these the frontier explorers, the visionaries, the believers. As real world use cases are brought to market by these people, mainstream adoption will explode and we will see integration into all aspects of life, it will be normal to use a variety of digital assets in daily life.

Some of the real world use examples are;
The Living Room of Satoshi, an Australian start-up that allows users to pay for their utilities using a variety of currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, DASH etc...
The adoption of platforms like Shopify that have brought Bitcoin integrations as part of their payment systems for website developers.
Cash to DA gateways like Bitcoin ATM's etc.

ICO's, Initial coin offerings, have become a great way to raise venture capital globally, it answers a way of raising capital not conventionally possible and using the widget/ token as a transact able unit that has intrinsic value in the ecosystem/ business model that is being raised for/used in. The real value of these tokens is that whereas conventional stocks cannot be traded for each other or transferred from one to another. Digital tokens can. With exchanges and platforms like ShapeShift these tokens provide ultimate flexibility and value transfer. For example I can change my Golem tokens GNT directly to Bitcoin BTC and use them to buy something, then change them into another token that I like the idea of, see function in or have a requirement for.

So to the title, 1 million US dollars per Bitcoin, I see this as a real possibility. Why? because Bitcoin lives in it's own world independently of market manipulations (it is still manipulated but what I'm talking about is that you can't print more of it). The value of Bitcoin is what the market dictates, the market gives it it's intrinsic value and the fact that it is global, border less and flexible makes it highly feasible that it will absorb more and more liquidity from conventional markets. It will absorb as much value as people assign to it.

For this reason I see it absorbing huge amounts of value from; conventional stock markets, currency markets, gold and commodity markets and private citizen cash. With a few percent onboarding or transfer from these markets to Bitcoin and the limited supply, means the price will go up significantly. Per Bitcoin unit this meas a price of over 1 million USD per coin is very realistic.
The value of Bitcoin is in it's structure and lack thereof, making it unique. The more time that passes the more rock solid Bitcoin will become.

If you live in or are visiting the Sunshine Coast Australia and would like to convert some of your old cash into digital currency/ assets, visit our Quickbit Bitcoin Exchange ATM at Mooloolaba, Sunshine Coast Australia to buy Bitcoin.
Happy bitcoin-ing :)


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